
Throughout the pupils’ time at St Mark’s they are supported by a wide ranging group of people; including teachers, support staff and external agencies who work with the school in the best interests of the child. The Pastoral team of Head of Year and Form Tutors are the first contact for pupils and parents.

Senior Assistant Headteacher (Pastoral) - Mrs S Long

Head of Year 7 - Mrs Calver

Head of Year 8 - Mrs Prince

Head of Year 9 - Mr Hoy

Head of Year 10 - Mr Kuminek

Head of Year 11 - Mrs Larke

Head of Sixth Form - Miss Webster

Assistant Sixth Form Leader (Pastoral) Mrs Chisnall & Assistant Sixth Form Leader (Enrichement & Pupil Development) Miss May.

Year 9 pupils trained as Buddies for Year 7, and assigned to tutor groups, are a valuable means of support as a friend/big brother or sister figure helping the children ease their way into life in their new school.

For those with specific learning needs the Head of Learning Support and the Learning Support Assistants offer additional support.

High Achieving pupils are monitored and supported, as are those for whom English is an additional language.

There is a variety of opportunities for children who may require some support for emotional or behavioural needs during their time at school: Learning Mentors who work closely with pupils; counsellors from Young Concern who see pupils in school on a weekly basis, to help them develop and progress, depending on need.

The school also has links with health professionals, the Education Welfare Service and family support teams who can be accessed by referrals from the school.


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